Academic qualifications

Law degree from the University of Seville.

Degree in Political Science and Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid.

Professional experience

Director of the Department of Labor Relations of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations CEOE (1991-2008). Member of the Social and Economic Council of Spain (1991-2008). Participation in collective bargaining and labor dialog processes with the Government and Trade Unions between 1991 and 2008, legal representation of the business interests before the Public Administration and various national and international bodies. Experience in the development of business strategies and advising businesses in matters of labor law.

Technical Consultant in the International Labor Conference of the ILO.

Labor Consultant in Public Management Consultants (CGP) and Director of its International Institute.

Teaching / Publications

 Professor in training courses for trainers and post-graduate courses, participant in numerous seminars, conferences and colloquiums. Co-author of various specialized publications.